Seamus Curtis

Seamus Curtis

The drilling of cereals, cover crops and grass at Kehoe Farming is done by three different drills depending on the job.

Horsch Focus Strip Till Drill

Unimoore Direct Drill

Horsch Pronto Drill.

Seamus takes charge of the sowing ensuring the effective establishment in the field. These drills are calibrated to adapt to certain conditions including seed type, seeding rates, soil types and field conditions. Direct drilling is a process which allows the seed to be placed directly into the stubble of the previous crop without other cultivation methods beforehand. This reduces the risk of compaction on the field and ensures the seed is accurately placed in the soil. The Terragrip tines pre-loosen the soil in a targeted way to remove harvest residues from the seed and root area.

Our stitch-in sowing method for grass means no ploughing or cultivation is required reducing the occurrence of compaction. This process is minimally invasive on the soil, increasing soil-seed contact meaning, grazing can be resumed after a short period of time, maximising your grasses potential. Over-seeding is often a way of rejuvenating grass swards or stitching in clover mixtures into an older sward, at relatively low cost. The pictures show grass swards after establishing and six week later.
